Vote Jawad Haroon

Welcome to my website! I’m your Ontario Liberal Party Candidate from Mississauga-Malton!

Building a strong future for Mississauga-Malton

Jawad’s priorities for Mississauga-Malton are focused on building a community where everyone has the chance to succeed. He believes the riding of Mississauga-Malton should stay a place where families can settle down and call home, and he’s committed to making that happen.

  • He supports affordable housing to help families live comfortably.
  • He aims to improve access to healthcare for all residents.
  • He wants schools to be safe and supportive places for students.
  • Jawad will be focused on creating more well-paying jobs in the riding to support families and boost the local economy.

While Doug Ford’s Conservatives are spending billions of our tax dollars on his booze scheme, over 30,000 Mississauga-Malton residents cannot find a family doctor. This is why Jawad is joining Bonnie Crombie in delivering a plan to hire enough doctors for all Ontario residents, to build more housing, invest in schools, and reduce taxes for every household and small business.

Vote for Jawad to send a message to Doug Ford: It’s time to get back to what matters most to Ontario families.

It’s time for Ontario Liberals to win.

Mississauga-Malton connection

Jawad has lived in Malton since the late 1990s, when he moved here with his family. Jawad has grown up in the Mississauga community and has established a deep-rooted connection to the riding, serving as the Director of the Mississauga-Malton Provincial Liberal Association and committee member for the Malton Community Building Project Network.

“The community of Mississauga-Malton has always held a special place in my heart. This is where I grew up, this is where I’m raising a family and this is the community I want to see prosper. I believe in an Ontario where everyone has the opportunity to thrive. A place where hardworking families are valued and supported, where health and education are priorities, and where life is affordable again. Together, we can build an Ontario that works for everyone, not just the few at the top.” – Dr. Jawad Haroon

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